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안녕하세여 이게 궁금해서여..
혹 스팸메일인지 아닌지 구분도 잘 못하겠고...쪽팔려서 이름은 안 올리고여..메일만..
서버 메일환경설정중에 메일알리어스에 root로 오는 메일을 제가 받아 볼려고 제 메일
야후로 연결을 시켜 놓았는데여...
그 후로 게속 아래와 같은 메일이 수시로 날라 옵니다.(하루에 140건 정도)
이것이 스팸메일인지 아닌지 모르겠네여..
발신지가 Mailer-Damon 으로 되있던데..혹 자체서버에서 나가는지 구분이 안대여....ㅠ.ㅠ
더구나 성인 사이트라 점 그러네여..(ㅠ.ㅠ).....아시는분들의 답변 바랍니다....
아래 메일 원본입니다..
날짜: | Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:49 +0900 |
발신: | "Mail Delivery Subsystem" <MAILER-DAEMON@localhost.localdomain> | 주소 차단 | 주소록에 추가 |
수신: | postmaster@localhost.localdomain |
제목: | Postmaster notify: User unknown |
The original message was received at Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:46 +0900 from localhost ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <b20588@i-france.com> ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to smtp.ifrance.com.: >>> RCPT To:<b20588@i-france.com> <<< 550 Requested mail action not taken : mailbox unavailable 550 <b20588@i-france.com>... User unknown 451 reply: read error from smtp.ifrance.com.
Reporting-MTA: dns; localhost.localdomain Arrival-Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:46 +0900 Final-Recipient: RFC822; b20588@i-france.com Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Remote-MTA: DNS; smtp.ifrance.com Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Requested mail action not taken : mailbox unavailable Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:49 +0900
날짜: | Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:46 +0900 |
발신: | "Mail Delivery Subsystem" <MAILER-DAEMON@> |
수신: | b20588@i-france.com |
제목: | Returned mail: User unknown |
The original message was received at Tue, 27 Nov 2001 04:39:24 +0900 from PPPa5-nas3rack6017.dialinx.net [] ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <jarad@shenwebworks.com> ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to mail.shenwebworks.com.: >>> RCPT To:<jarad@shenwebworks.com> <<< 553 Your site is not welcome here 550 <jarad@shenwebworks.com>... User unknown 451 <jbolton@shenwebworks.com>... reply: read error from mail.shenwebworks.com. <jbolton@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred: Connection reset by mail.shenwebworks.com. <jardinier@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbolen@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jarchie@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jboltz@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jaguar@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbollen@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jar@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jardine@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbonello@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jaraxle@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jboman@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jardar@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbollini@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jarchambeau@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbold@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbowker@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred <jbond1@shenwebworks.com>... Deferred Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old
Reporting-MTA: dns; localhost.localdomain Arrival-Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 04:39:24 +0900 Final-Recipient: RFC822; jarad@shenwebworks.com Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Remote-MTA: DNS; mail.shenwebworks.com Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 Your site is not welcome here Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:35:45 +0900
발신: | b20588@i-france.com |
수신: | ieflu@fun.21cn.com |
제목: | Hot Asian Sluts!! 3445 |
날짜: | Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:26:23 -0400 |
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