클라우드/리눅스에 관한 질문과 답변을 주고 받는 곳입니다.
리눅스 분류

dnsbl.net.au 메일ip 삭제요청?

작성자 정보

  • 포마 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


제 경험담은 이렇습니다.

1. 사이트에서 Remove an open relay  클릭하고 this link.  클릭하면,

화면이 나오는데 여기서

Hosts/IPs (separate multiple submissions by newlines):  에 자신의 서버 ip

Email: 메일 주소를 정확하게 적어 주세요.

Enable test feedback 채크하고,

submit .... 이 버튼을 클릭하면,

2. 위에서 적었던 메일 주소로 메일 한통을 수신할거에요.

This is a confirmation request from ORDB.org

You have submitted the following hosts for checking by the ORDB.org system.

Will test:

However we need your confirmation in order to proceed with the test.

Simply hit the reply-button in your mail-client, and the automated system
at ORDB.org will start the test during its next run

Please ensure that you do not change the subject of this mail
when replying (except for prefixing it by "Re: ", which is ok)

Or you can follow this link:

Thank you for using ORDB.org

PS. Need this mail translated? Have a look at:

이런 내용의 메일이 온는데..



이 url 로 들어가면...

확인 되었다고 나오고 기다려나는 메시지가 나온다.

3. 그리고 조금 더 기다리면

This is an automatically generated email

The host you submitted at ORDB.org (, has been thoroughly
checked, and does not seem to permit relaying.

Please note however, that this may be caused by extreme delays at
the servers end.

Should we at a later time receive one of our testing emails from the
server you submitted, you will receive another email, telling you that
the server is in fact an open relay. In that case, please disregard this

If you know for a fact that the host you submitted is
an open relay, please resubmit it via http://www.ORDB.org/submit/.
Additionally, some administrators have been known to block our ip-address
in various firewalling devices, which may also cause our test to fail.

If your host was marked as an open relay, it has now been removed from our
database, and will be removed from the relays.ORDB.org-zone during the next

This email is sent from an unattended mailbox, so please do not
reply to it. To find information about how to contact ORDB.org,
please visit http://ORDB.org/contact/.

Have a nice day, thank you for using ORDB.org

PS. Need this mail translated? Have a look at:

이런 메일이 날라오고,

확인 해 보면 ...

막힌 ip를 푸는 중이라고 나오더군요^^


경험을 써 놓은건데 도움이 될려나 모르겠군요^^



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