클라우드/리눅스에 관한 질문과 답변을 주고 받는 곳입니다.
리눅스 분류

mysql make install 에러

작성자 정보

  • 늘초보 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Ledhat 9 리눅스 서버를 설치를 합니다.
기본적으로 리눅스만 설치하고 나머진 다 소스 설치해볼려고 하는데요
rpm 버전으로 설치된건 없습니다.
proftpd 설치하고 두번째로 mysql을 설치할려고 하는데.

mysql 소스 설치중에 make install 하고 나면 에러가 납니다.

아래는 소스 설치한 내용입니다

/usr/local] groupadd mysql
/usr/local] useradd -g mysql myqsl
/usr/local] tar xvfz mysql-5.0.15.tar.gz
/usr/local] mv mysql-5.0.15 mysql
/usr/local] cd mysql
/usr/local/mysql] ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
/usr/local/mysql] make
/usr/local/mysql] make install

아래는 에러 내용입니다.

test -z "/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench" || mkdir -p -- . "/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench"
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-ATIS' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-ATIS'
/usr/bin/install: `test-ATIS' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-ATIS' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-connect' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-connect'
/usr/bin/install: `test-connect' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-connect' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-create' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-create'
/usr/bin/install: `test-create' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-create' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-insert' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-insert'
/usr/bin/install: `test-insert' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-insert' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-big-tables' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-big-tables'
/usr/bin/install: `test-big-tables' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-big-tables' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-select' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-select'
/usr/bin/install: `test-select' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-select' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-wisconsin' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-wisconsin'
/usr/bin/install: `test-wisconsin' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-wisconsin' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-alter-table' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-alter-table'
/usr/bin/install: `test-alter-table' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-alter-table' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'test-transactions' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-transactions'
/usr/bin/install: `test-transactions' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/test-transactions' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'graph-compare-results' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/graph-compare-results'
/usr/bin/install: `graph-compare-results' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/graph-compare-results' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'bench-init.pl' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/bench-init.pl'
/usr/bin/install: `bench-init.pl' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/bench-init.pl' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'compare-results' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/compare-results'
/usr/bin/install: `compare-results' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/compare-results' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'run-all-tests' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/run-all-tests'
/usr/bin/install: `run-all-tests' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/run-all-tests' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'server-cfg' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/server-cfg'
/usr/bin/install: `server-cfg' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/server-cfg' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'crash-me' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/crash-me'
/usr/bin/install: `crash-me' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/crash-me' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'copy-db' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/copy-db'
/usr/bin/install: `copy-db' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/copy-db' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest1' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest1' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest1a' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1a'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest1a' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1a' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest1b' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1b'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest1b' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest1b' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest2' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest2' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest2a' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2a'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest2a' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2a' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'innotest2b' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2b'
/usr/bin/install: `innotest2b' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/innotest2b' are the same file
/usr/bin/install -c 'bench-count-distinct' '/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/bench-count-distinct'
/usr/bin/install: `bench-count-distinct' and `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench/bench-count-distinct' are the same file
make[2]: *** [install-benchSCRIPTS] 오류 1
make[2]: 나감 `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench' 디렉토리
make[1]: *** [install-am] 오류 2
make[1]: 나감 `/usr/local/mysql/sql-bench' 디렉토리
make: *** [install-recursive] 오류 1

mysql 다른 버전인 mysql-4.1.15.tar.gz 으로 설치해봐도 같은 에러가 납니다.
책을 봐도, 검색을 해봐도 제가 원하는 답을 찾을수가 없네요
고수님들의 도움 부탁드립니다


댓글 2

박태혁님의 댓글

  • 박태혁
  • 작성일
해당압축파일을 푸시면 안에 설치와 관련하여 문서가 있습니다. INSTALL문제인듯합니다. 문서안에 내용을 보시면 옵션들이 자세히 나와있습니다.

s에이레네s님의 댓글

  • s에이레네s
  • 작성일
조금이나 도움이 될까해서 몇자 적어봅니다. 될지 않될지는 저도 모르겠습니다. 님이 작업하신 내용중에 tar xvfz로 압축을 풀고 난 후에 mv 로 mysql소스디렉토리를 mysql로 변경을 하셨는데요, 그렇게 하지 마시고 tar xvfz로 압축을 푸시고 난 후에 소스디렉토리 mysql-5.0.15에서 바로 설치를 해보세요^^ 그럼 될것도 같은데요^^ 해보시고 되든 않되는 답글 함 주세요^^



  • 현재 회원수 :  60,056 명
  • 현재 강좌수 :  35,926 개
  • 현재 접속자 :  222 명